
Mundumob. Larunbatean denok Donostiara!

Utzi iruzkina

 Arratsaldeko 6etan Bulebarrean

Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua.

Donostian Ekainaren 8an arratsaldeko 6etan

Maiatzaren 4an Orendainen, Gipuzkoako lehenengo zero zabor herrian, hasi zen Gipuzkoa Zero Zabor eta herrietako Zero Zabor taldeek elkarlanean antolatutako Mundumob ekimena. Ekimenaren bidez, hondakinen kudeaketan ere oinarri izan beharko lukeen printzipioa aldarrikatzen ari gara. Guztiok daukagu mundua aurreko belaunaldiek jaso zuten aukera berdinekin jasotzeko eskubidea, eta ondorioz, guztiok daukagu hurrengo belaunaldiei mundua jaso dugun aukera berdinekin uzteko betebeharra. “Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua” leloan laburtu dugu ideia. Herriz herri eskuetatik eskutara dabilen mundubolak irudikatzen du mezua.

Ekimenak, herriz herri lau astetako ibilbidea egin du dagoeneko, eta 30 herri baino gehiagotan izan da aldarrikatzen dugun etorkizun baikor eta itxaropentsu hori giro alaian irudikatuz. Ekimen honen bidez, Gipuzkoarrak batzen gaituzten ideiak indartu nahi izan ditugu, liskarrak eta zatiketak alde batera utziz, hondakinen kudeaketa ezegokiaren arazoari irtenbide eraginkorra elkarrekin eraikitzeko dei eginez.

Larunbata arratsaldean, 6etan Donostiako bulebarrean burutuko da herrialde mailakoa izango den azken ekitaldia. Ekitaldi arin eta entretenigarria egingo dugu. Besteak beste, Joan Marc Simon, Zero Waste Europeko koordinatzaileak hartuko du parte ekitaldian. Guztiok izango dugu lekua bertan, dantzatuko ez dutenak eta dantzatuko dutenak. Oraindik koreografia jakin ez eta ikasi nahi duenarentzat entseguak izango dira 5etatik ekitaldia hasi bitartean.

Gipuzkoar guztiei dei egiten diegu etorkizun iraunkor baten aldeko Donostiako zitara. Guztion artean mundu hobeago bat daukagu eraikitzeke.

MUNDUmob Getarian

Utzi iruzkina

Eguraldi txarrenarekin ere, beti alai eta irrifartsu, jirabiraka eta abestuz: EMAN HARTU NAHI DUZUN MUNDUA!

Eskerrik asko modu batera edo bestera lagundu eta parte hartu duzuen guztioi.
Eta ez ahaztu, hurrengoa Donostian dugu, ekainak 8an. DENOK DONOSTIARA!

Hernani Europako jomugan

Utzi iruzkina

Zorionak Hernani! Guztion eredu zarete!

zerowasteeurope.eu  webgunetik  jasoa

ZW Best practices: Hernani

Hernani is one of the first towns in Gipuzkoa to have declared Zero Waste. As a result, since 2009 waste recycling has almost quadrupled whereas waste generation has been substantially...

Hernani is one of the first towns in Gipuzkoa to have declared Zero Waste. As a result, since 2009 waste recycling has almost quadrupled whereas waste generation has been substantially decreased.


This is their story:


In 2002, the regional waste management consortium in Spain’s Gipuzkoa Province, faced with a nearly full landfill, proposed building two new incinerators. Citizens strongly opposed the incinerators and prevented one from being built and the new party elected in 2011 stopped the second one. Hernani and two other small cities in the region established an ambitious program of door-to-door collection of source-separated waste, including organics. The amount of waste going to the landfill in places where the Zero Waste strategy has been embraced has been reduced by 80 percent. With new political leadership opposed to incineration, door-to-door collection is expanding throughout the region.

Practices vs. Technology


Hernani is a city of over 19,000 residents in the Basque Country of Spain. Together with nine other municipalities, it is part of the San Marko mancomunidad (a free association of municipalities), created to manage solid waste jointly. At the provincial level, all the mancomunidades plus the provincial government comprise a consortium that promotes and manages the Gipuzkoa Integrated Waste Management Plan. Hernani’s former municipal waste management system strongly relied on waste disposal complemented by a limited recycling system. While citizens could voluntarily dispose of recyclables in the four large containers placed on the streets, most of the city’s waste went to the landfill.

 organics hernani

In 2002, when the San Marko landfill was nearly full, the provincial government presented a controversial plan: the addition of another container for the voluntary recycling of organic materials and the construction of two new incinerators. Citizen opposition to incineration was immediate. Since then, the region has been immersed in a tenacious dispute between those who want to build the incinerators and those who promote waste prevention policies and better source separation strategies.

Joining the citizens’ opposition, some municipalities decided not only to reject the plan to build new incinerators but also to implement an alternative to burying or burning. Usurbil was the first municipality to do so. This town of 6,000 people established a door-to-door collection system of source-separated waste streams, including organic materials. In just 6 weeks, the amount of collected waste destined for landfills dropped by 80%. The resource recovery rate registered in the first year was 82%. In 2008, before door-to-door collection started, Usurbil was taking 175 tons per month to the landfill. One year later, the amount had dropped to 25 tons.

Implementing Changes


In May 2010, after two months of dialogue with the citizens to explain and solicit input on the new system, Hernani followed the model of Usurbil. The municipality distributed two small bins per household, placed hooks to hang the bins and bags at the front of houses and buildings, removed the large containers from the streets, established waste segregation as mandatory, and launched door-to-door collection. Citizens began to place separated organics, light packaging, paper and cardboard, and residuals in front of their houses.


Each stream has a designated pick-up day: organics on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays; light packaging on Mondays and Thursdays; paper and cardboard on Tuesdays; and residuals on Saturdays. Light packaging is placed in bags, and the government sells reusable bags for this purpose. Paper and cardboard are tied in bundles or placed in boxes or bags. Organics are placed in the bins provided by the government, and the residuals are disposed of in bags. The collection is done by a public company called Garbitania, created by the governments of Hernani, Usurbil, and Oiartzun. Collection is done at night, with a complementary shift during the morning. Each bin and each hook have a code that identifies the household that uses them. This allows the government to monitor separation in each household. If the collector identifies a stream that does not correspond to that collection day, s/he puts a sticker with a red cross on the bin and does not collect that waste. The information is given to the administration office, and the household receives a notice explaining why the waste was not collected.


For glass, the system of large containers on the streets was maintained, and door-to-door collection is done only in the old part of the city. A non-profit association created by producers, packers, bottlers, and recyclers handles this stream. The association is funded by contributions the packaging companies pay for each product they put on the market.


If someone misses the door-to-door collection, there are four emergency centers to drop off waste. There is also a drop-off site that takes bulky waste, electric and electronic devices, and other waste not covered by the door-to-door collection free of charge. For businesses, the collection schedule is the same as for households, with an extra day of collection for residuals. In rural areas, home composting is mandatory, and other streams are either collected door-to-door or taken to drop-off centers.


Under the new system, Hernani promotes home composting throughout the municipality. People can sign up for a composting class, request a home composting manual, and receive a compost bin for free. There is a phone line to get composting advice, and there are compost specialists who can visit households in need of assistance. People who sign up to compost at home receive a 40% discount on the municipal waste management fee. The fee for businesses varies according to the collection frequency and the amount of waste produced, using pay as you throw criteria.


The San Marko mancomunidad operates a materials recovery facility where light packaging is sorted for sale. Paper and cardboard are sold to a recycling company nearby. Organic materials must be taken 50 km away to a compost plant, operated by the provincial consortium. Source separation is reflected in the material that Hernani takes to the compost plant, which consists of—on average—only 1.5% impurities (non-organics and other pollutants).[1]

In the first full month of the door-to-door collection, the residuals dropped by 80%, and the total waste managed decreased by 27%.[2] In 2010, the municipality landfilled 53.8% less waste than in 2009 (5,219 tons in 2009 and 2,412 tons in 2010), and door-to-door collection had only begun in May.

Municipal solid waste landfilled hernani 

“Our state-of-the-art technology is the neighbors.”

Communication and community participation have been key to the success of the program. The conviction that the use of incinerators was the worst option and that door-to-door collection was feasible and the best solution for Hernani supported the change. In the two months prior to the implementation of the new collection system, the government organized meetings to explain and revise the new system. As the mayor declared, “Our state-of-the-art technology is the neighbors. If the neighbors separate well, there is no need to build an incinerator.”[3]


The governments that have implemented door-to-door collection programs have promoted the creation of citizens´ committees to monitor their implementation. Moreover, local Zero Zabor (Zero Waste) groups have emerged in these cities, building on earlier anti-incinerator movements. The different local groups are working together in Gipuzkoa Zero Zabor. In a few years, these volunteer activists have advanced the conversation from opposing incinerators to promoting an authentic Zero Waste strategy that focuses on preventing waste—through changes in design, production, and consumption—and recovering all materials discarded in a safe and sustainable manner.


Hernani joined other municipalities and groups opposing the incinerators and promoting the extension of door-to-door collection to the entire Gipuzkoa province. Many municipalities in the region are reticent to opt for Zero Waste strategies, and this threatens to undermine the progress being made in cities that use these strategies. However, since the municipal elections in July 2011, the political scenario has changed.

Waste Production in Hernani – Before and After Door-to-Door Collection

In 2010, Hernani produced an average of 500 tons of municipal solid waste per month, and had a per capita generation of 0.86 kg per day, compared to 1.1 kg the year before. The recent economic crisis in Spain has resulted in a general reduction in waste production in the country. The implementation of the new door-to-door collection system and the communication campaign about waste may have raised people’s awareness about waste, leading to changes in buying behavior. Finally, the former system of large bins probably made it easier for people to put non-residential waste in the bins (for instance, construction and demolition waste), and the current system of individual bins makes it more difficult to do that.


The following tables show the evolution of the composition of residential waste in Hernani before and after adoption of the door-to-door collection system. Table 3 provides the specific amounts for each waste stream.

evolution waste treatment hernani

waste per stream

The table below shows that Usurbil, Hernani, and Oiartzun have reduced the residual waste per capita in a very short time, while in other municipalities the figure remains constant. The fourth municipality to adopt door-to-door separated waste collection, Antzuola, has reported that 90% of the discards collected are separated for recovery, and residuals represent only 10% of the total collected there.[1]



The government of Hernani compared the costs of the door-to-door collection system with the previous one that used four large containers, as shown below.

Hernani costs

Usurbil has collected enough data to compare the actual expenses of both collection systems for a full year. The results show that the door-to-door collection system is actually less expensive than the container system, mostly due to the income generated from the sale of recyclable materials.


Table 6. Cost Comparison of the Door-to-Door and Container Collection in Usurbil





Containers & Door-to-door (as of March) 2009



Expenses (€)




Income (€)




Net cost (€)




Self-finance rate




Source: Informe de Gastos e ingresos de la recogida de residuos 2006-2010. Ayuntamiento de Usurbil


Skeptics of source separation maintain that the costs increase prohibitively when moving from one-stream collection to a differentiated collection system. Although collection expenses do tend to increase in most cases, that is not the whole story: the differentiated collection increases resource recovery, which offsets disposal costs and creates a source of income through the sale of recyclables (and organics, in other cities). As shown above, in Usurbil the new system was less expensive than the previous one. In the case of Hernani, the slightly higher costs for the door-to-door collection were due at least in part to the need to transport the organics to a distant plant.More importantly Hernani has to pay the same fee to the mancomunidad as before the system change despite having decreased the use of landfill. Once the system is changed so that the municipalities pay proportionally to the amount of waste they dispose of Hernani will have a clearly positive economic balance.

It is also important to note that the door-to-door collection and recycling system has the additional benefit of creating more jobs than waste management strategies based on massive burying or burning; the extra money required to support the system provides a significant boost to the local economy. In total, 16 jobs were created in Hernani by door-to-door collection.


Today more and more municipalities in Gipuzkoa are implementing door-to-door collection of source separated waste, all with great results. Both governments and community groups are showing the positive changes produced by these strategies in terms of sustainable materials management, education, pollution prevention, and local economy. Moreover, what they are showing is that a community-based waste management system can bring impressive results in a short period, if only governments dare to lead the way and count on their citizens.

Taken from the report “On the Road to Zero Waste” published by GAIA in 2012

[1] Marian Beitialarrangoitia: “Tenemos una base sólida para poner en martxa el puerta a puerta.” 5 December 2009. Published in http://www.hernaniatezate.net/page/8/.


[2] Estimate based on waste production and collection data provided by Mancomunidad of San Marko.


[3] http://www.hernani.net/es/servicios/puerta-a-puerta/499-karakterizazioak.

Arraunlariak MUNDUmobekin

Utzi iruzkina

Getariako neska-mutil arraunlariak MUNDUmob-eko leloarekin bat egiten dute: eskeini dezagun hartu nahi dugun mundua.

Eskerrik asko!


MUNDUmob Getarian

Utzi iruzkina

“Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua.”

Hau da gure leloa eta gure konpromisoa, giro alai, partehartzaile eta ludikoan aldarrikatuko duguna.


Hands on a globe


Badator MunduMOB Getariara

Utzi iruzkina

Hands on a globe

MunduMOB-eko koreografia ikasteko tutoriala

Utzi iruzkina

Zer da Mundumob?

Utzi iruzkina

Mundumob, Gipuzkoa zeharkatuko duen ekimena da. Herritarrak printzipio nagusi baten inguruan biltzea da Mundumoben helburua: “Guztiok daukagu mundua aurreko belaunaldiek jaso zuten aukera berdinekin jasotzeko eskubidea, eta ondorioz, guztiok daukagu mundua hurrengo belaunaldiei jaso dugun aukera berdinekin uzteko bete beharra”. Iraunkortasunaren aldarrikapena da azken finean egingo duguna. Ideia hori lelo nagusian laburtu dugu: “Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua.”

Ekimenean printzipioak finkatu nahi ditugu, herritarrek eta eragileek printzipio horiei atxikitzea nahi dugu, gero hortik abiatuta helburu eta ekintza zehatzak adostu eta gauzatzeko.

Mezuaren bektore nagusia herritarrek gorpuztuko duten kantu koreografiatu bat izango da. Kantua Karlos Gimenezek egin du, letra Jon Maiak jarri dio, ahotsa Ze Esatek taldeko Jabirena da Ines Osinagaren parte hartzearekin . Guzti hori Mikel f. Krutzaga teknikariaren lanarekin borobilduz  eta koreografia gurekin lehendik lan egin izan duen Mikel Erguinek egin du.

Horrekin batera, eskutik eskura ibiliko dugun mundu bolak lagunduko digu ekimenean emango dugun mezua zabaltzen.

Orain arte egin ditugun ekimenetan bezala, aldarrikatzen dugun baikortasuna eta konpromisoa egongo dira ekimenaren muinean. Aldarrikatzen dugun etorkizun hobeago horren isla izango da ekimena, giro alai, partehartzaile eta ludikoanburutuko duguna.

Ibilbideari dagokionez, maiatzaren 4ean hasiko da Gipuzkoako herririk handienean,Orendainen. Ondo esan dugu bai. Handitasuna ez da bakarrik m2-tan edota biztanle kopuruaren arabera neurtzen. Guk, handitasuna, herritarren bihotzetan eta konpromisoan neurtzen dugu, eta horretan ez daukagu zalantzarik orendaindarrak eredu direla Gipuzkoan eta Euskal Herrian. Lehenengo Zero Zabor herria dugu. Hondakin organiko guztia herrian tratatzen dute ongarri bihurtuz. Ez dute beste herrietara organiko tona bakar bat usteltzera bidaltzen. Mundumoben hasiera Orendainen eginez, guzti horren aitortza egin nahi dugu.

Bukaera ere Gipuzkoako herririk handienean egingo dugu. Oraingoan bai, biztanle kopuruari begira. Handiena baita ere sortutako zabor kopuruari begira. Praktika on eta eredugarriak ezinbestean aplikatu behar diren lekua beraz, konponbidearen gakoa. Donostiak erronka polita jarri dio bere buruari: 2016 urtean Europako Kultur Hiriburu izatearena. Guk gure ekarpena egin nahi diogu izendapen horri. Kulturak eta jakintzak nekez egiten dute bat utzikeria eta zabarkeriarekin. Donostia Zero Zabor norabidean jartzeko gure ekarpena egingo diogu amaiera han emanda. Donostiakoa herrialde mailako ekitaldia izango da.

Legazpiko galdeketa. Gipuzkoa Zero Zaborren hausnarketa eta ekimena

Utzi iruzkina

Legazpiko galdeketaren eta errausketaren bultzatzaileek bilketaren eragina udalerri mailara mugatzeko ahaleginaren inguruan GZZren hausnarketa eta ekimena

(Abajo en castellano)

Gipuzkoa Zero Zabor lurraldea izan dadin lanean ari garen taldeok, kezkaz ikusten dugu hondakinen kudeaketaren inguruko hausnarketa jasaten ari den mutilazio saioa.

Batetik, hondakinen bilketa ondoren eman daitezkeen tratamenduetatik bereizteko ahalegina dago. Denok dakigu gaika biltzeko ahalegina tratamendu toxikoak baztertu eta material hori birzikla dadin egiten dela. Zentzugabekeria da gaika biltzearen alde egotea eta gero horrekin egingo denaz kezkarik ez izatea.

Bestetik, bilketak udalerri bakoitzean bakarrik eragiten duela eman nahi da aditzera, hau da, nonbait, beste herri batean zenbat eta nolako zaborra jasoko duten erabakitzea bidaltzaileari dagokio, arazo sortzaileari, eta ez hartzaileari, arazoa jasaten duenari, ikuspegi kolonialista horren arabera. Bi mailatako herritarrak sortu nahi dituzte; sudur puntan jartzen zaiena egitea erabaki dezaketenak, eta besteen erabakiak ixil-ixilik jasan behar dituztenak. Inork bere herrian nahi ez duena beste herrietako biztanleei inposatzeko eskubidea zertan oinarritzen da? Gizarte bat egoismoan oinarrituta eraikitzeak etengabeko gatazka dakar. Herriak herrien aurka, herritarrak herritarraren aurka ez dago gizarte bat eraikitzerik.

Eztabaida desitxuratze hau ez da kasuala, kausala baizik. Errauste planta, sektore ekonomiko-politiko indartsuen helburua da. Errauste plantak zaborra behar du, eta hori bermatzeko estrategian kokatu behar dira, murrizketa, berrerabilpena eta birziklatzean oinarritutako kudeaketa ereduak martxan jartzeko saio guztien aurka ezagutzen ari garen kanpaina gogorrak. Azpeitia, Zarautz, Beasain eta Zubietako biztanleen ongizatea ezin dugu gainerakoen utzikeriaren mesedetan sakrifikatu.

Zero Zabor taldeak guzti honen aurrean ez gara geldi geratuko. Eztabaida kokatze aldera, herri guztiok gure zaborra jasotzen dutenekiko daukagun zorra ahal dugun neurrian kitatzeko, konpromiso etikoa aldarrikatzen dugu. Horretarako hiru puntu hauek jasoko dituzten mozioak aurkeztuko ditugu taldeak dauden udalerri guztietako udaletxeetan:

Udalak, gure herrian sortutako zaborra jasotzen duten herrietako biztanleei ahalik eta kalterik txikiena eragiteko KONPROMISO ETIKOA bere egiten du, eta hori bete ahal izateko ondorengo neurriak hartuko ditu:

o   Murrizketa: Ahalik eta hondakin gutxien sortzeko burutu ditzakeen ekintzak aztertu eta abian jarriko ditu.

o Birziklatzea: Sortutako hondakinak nahasi gabe biltzeko emaitza hoberenak lortzen dituzten bilketa sistemak ezarriko ditu.

o Parte hartzea: Herritarren parte hartzea bultzatuko du, herritarrak ondo informatuta egon daitezen, herritarrek aipatutako konpromisoak betetzea bermatuko duten proposamenak egin ditzaten, eta konpromiso etiko horiek betetzen dituzten proposamenen artean erabaki dezaten.

 Gipuzkoa Zero Zabor 2013-04-17


Los grupos que estamos trabajando para que Gipuzkoa sea un territorio Zero Zabor (Basura Cero)observamos con preocupación el intento de mutilación que está padeciendo la reflexión en torno a la gestión de los residuos.

En primer lugar, está el intento de diferenciar la recogida de los residuos de los tratamientos posteriores que  se les da a éstos. Todos sabemos que el esfuerzo de recogida selectiva se hace para poder reciclar los distintos materiales, y así abandonar o evitar los tratamientos tóxicos. Es un sinsentido estar a favor de una recogida selectiva y despreocuparse del destino que después se dará a dichos residuos.

En segundo lugar, se quiere dar a entender que la recogida sólo incide en cada municipio, es decir: al parecer, la decisión de cuánta basura y qué tipo de basura se recoge en otro municipio (según este planteamiento colonialista) correspondería al remitente, al creador del problema, pero no al destinatario, al que padece el problema. Quieren establecer dos categorías de ciudadanos: aquellos que pueden decidir hacer lo que se les antoje y los que deben soportar las decisiones ajenas sin rechistar. ¿En qué se basa el derecho a imponer a los habitantes de otros pueblos aquello que nadie quiere en el suyo? La construcción de una sociedad basada en el egoísmo genera un conflicto continuo. No se puede contruir una sociedad con unos municipios contra otros, o con unos ciudadanos contra otros.

Sin embargo, este intento de desfigurar el debate no es casual, sino causal. La planta incineradora es un objetivo para poderosos sectores económico-políticos. La planta incineradora necesita basura, y es en esa estrategia donde hay que situar las duras campañas que estamos conociendo contra todos los intentos de poner en marcha modelos de gestión basados en la reducción, la reutilización y el reciclaje de los residuos.El bienestar de los habitantes de Azpeitia, Zarautz, Beasain y Zubieta no puede ser sacrificado en beneficio de nuestra dejadez.

Los grupos Zero Zabor no nos quedaremos quietos ante todo esto. Con el fin de centrar el debate, exigimos un compromiso ético para saldar, en la medida en la que podamos, la deuda que tenemos todos los municipios con aquellos que reciben nuestras basuras. Para ello, en todos los ayuntamientos de los municipios donde existen grupos Zero Zabor, presentaremos mociones que recogerán los siguientes tres puntos:

El ayuntamiento, asume el COMPROMISO ÉTICO de provocar el menor impacto perjudicial posible a los habitantes de los municipios que reciben la basura generada en el nuestro, y para poder cumplir dicho compromiso tomará las siguientes medidas:

  • Reducción: Analizará y pondrá en marcha las acciones que pueda llevar a cabo para generar la mínima cantidad de residuos posible.
  • Reciclaje: Implantará aquellos sistemas de recogida que obtienen los mejores resultados en la recogida selectiva de los residuos generados.
  • Participación: Impulsará la participación de los ciudadanos, para que los ciudadanos estén bien informados, para que realicen propuestas que garanticen el cumplimiento de los compromisos citados y para que decidan entre las propuestas que cumplan con el citado compromiso ético.

Badator MunduMob! Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua.

Utzi iruzkina

 Hasi prestatzen! Aurki informazio gehiago.

Eskubideak bete behar direlako

Eman hartu nahi duzun mundua


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